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Cathy and Garys Travel Pages Phuket


Rescued elephants at Phuket Elephant Sanctuary
Ethical Elephant Sanctuary on Phuket Island
Phuket Elephant Sanctuary

Phuket Elephant Sanctuary is a beautiful ethical place where these abused and tortured elephants can live out the rest of their lives in peace.


The elephants are rescued from trekking camps, logging, begging etc where they have all suffered immensely and worked until they can virtually no longer stand.

Walking with the elephants
Phuket Elephant Sanctuary
Secret Elephant Conversations at Phuket Elephant Sanctuary

Here there are no chains, no rides, no washing them, no swimming with them, it is so amazing to watch them just being elephants. Nothing beats watching them roaming around, playing, talking to one another with their little squeaks and trumpet calls.


Now finally there is no more terror and pain.

Time for fruit and vegetables at Phuket Elephant Sanctuary
Phuket Elephant Sanctuary
Elephants love to play at Phuket Elephant Sanctuary
Phuket Elephant Sanctuary

Phuket Elephant Sanctuary do such an amazing job and it is a place everyone should visit. A delicious lunch is also provided in a beautiful setting overlooking a large pond and jungle where the elephants came down to bathe.


Words do not explain the feeling of seeing these majestic pachyderms doing whatever they want so hopefully my photos will tell the story. 


Make sure you read more about the elephants and their rescues on the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary website and Facebook page.

Ethical elephant sanctuary in Phuket
Phuket Elephant Sanctuary
Elephants having fun at Phuket Elephant Sanctuary
Phuket Elephant Sanctuary
 Phuket Elephant Sanctuary
Phuket Elephant Sanctuary
Happy Elephants
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